Les communautés construisent l'avenir des jeunes
The Futures Forward Scholarship Guide
Details: The Futures Forward scholarship guide was made for current and former youth in Child and Family Services care who would like to access funding to attend post secondary in Manitoba, but also covers scholarships for a wide variety of people and programs. The guide offers tips for success, dates and short descriptions of the grants, funding opportunities and scholarships available.
Link: https://www.futuresforward.ca/scholarship-guide
Futures Forward
Address: 294 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0B9
Phone: 204-987-8661
Website: https://www.futuresforward.ca/tuition-waivers
Email: reception@yesmb.ca
Services: The tuition waiver program, offered through Futures Forward, is a program for current and former youth-in-care of Child and Family Services. The purpose of the program is to provide funding opportunities to access post-secondary education in Manitoba. The tuition waiver can cover the tuition costs of a certificate, diploma of undergraduate degree program. The program is offered in partnership with 9 participating post-secondary institutions across the province.
First Nations Band Funding
Band funding aims to improve training and education accessibility for Status members of their Nation. Different bands will have different application processes and criteria for funding. Typically, costs eligible for coverage include: tuition, books and living and transportation costs. Online you can find general information on the program at a federal level, or you can contact your band directly for details on their funding opportunities.
Link for overall information about the program: https://www.sacisc.gc.ca/eng/1100100033682/1531933580211
Long Plain: http://longplain.ca/
111 Yellowquill Trail East
Long Plain Reserve No.6
Band 287 - Treaty No. 1
Box 430 Portage La Prairie, Manitoba,
R1N 3B7
Phone: 1-204-252-2731
Fax: 1-204-252-2012
Dakota Tipi: https://dakotatipi.ca/
2020 Dakota Drive
R1N 3X6
Phone: 204-857-4381
Fax: 204-857-9855
Dakota Plains: https://www.dakotaplainswahpetonoyate.com/
Dakota Ave, Rossendale, MB
R0H 1C0
Phone: 204-252-2300
Sandy Bay: http://www.sandybayfirstnation.com/
431 Townsite Bay
Marius, Manitoba
R0H 0T0
Phone: 204-843-2603
Fax: 204-843-2706
Infinity Career & Development Consulting Scholarship
Address: 1460 Chevrier Blvd #200, Winnipeg, MB R3T 1Y7
Phone: 431-804-8880
Website: www.infinitycdc.ca
Email: kimberley@infinitycdc.ca
Services: The Infinity Career & Development Consulting Scholarship was established in late 2018, to be rewarded to a Portage Collegiate Institute student celebrating the completion of Grade 12. This $500 scholarship is rewarded to an individual who has future intentions to pursue lifework that enriches the physical, psychological, intellectual, emotional or spiritual well being of others. For more information on this scholarship, visit www.infinitycdc.ca and “Ripple Effect – Community Contribution” tab.
Manitoba Student Aid
Address: 401-1181 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3G 0T3
Phone: (204) 945-6321
Website: https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/
Contact Form: https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/contact-us.html
Services: Manitoba Student Aid provides loans, grants and bursaries to Manitobans who need help paying for school. Student loans are calculated based on your financial need and are meant to supplement, not replace, your own resources. If you do get a student loan, you don't have to make payments or pay interest on it while you are a full-time student. When you apply to Manitoba Student Aid, you become eligible for loans and grants from MB Student Aid as well as from the Canada Student Loans Program. For more information on the types of student loans offered and eligibility, visit MB Student Aid's website.
RBC Future Launch
Address: 140 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 0L1
Phone: (204) 856-2500
Website: https://www.rbc.com/dms/enterprise/futurelaunch/future-launch-scholarship.html
Services: The RBC Future Launch Scholarship is awarded to Canadian youth between 15-29 who show a clear vision for their future and are enrolled part time in school or not in school at all. Grades and transcripts are not required and the $1,500 scholarship can be used for many different things, including:
Short-term courses, workshops, certificates, necessary equipment or books, and much more!